Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Mini flowers

Lately I have been working on flowers and I have been up to my ears in working on swaps. So I have finished the swaps that needed to be done and aare ready to be mailed off. With all of that out of the way I thought I would mke some flowers for the Willow, but i wanted flowers that can go outside. The willow does not have flower boxes so the flowers have to sit out beside the stairs. Anyway in one of my swaps I participated in I receieved a large white flower urn painted with polka dots ( it was a polka dot theme) and I found a picture of a Fushia plant, I have never seen a plant this pretty. So I made one. I was really pleased on how it turned out.


  1. Very nicely done, you got the drape of this plant just right.

  2. Oh my goodness Alicia they came out beautiful. Great job very well done.
