Saturday, 11 August 2012

One crazy Summer

Well, I am still here, in case you all thought I had disappeared. Well I have not. It just has been very busy around here. Let's see, our daughter graduated from grade 8 and we had family from out of town. Then once school finished we had 4 children to keep busy, We are in the middle of renovations (our landlord is converting our electric heat over to gas heat) what a mess! I have been working on minis all summer as well. I will try to take some pictures and post them later. I am in full swing with my mini swap group I am in. I will post a picture of the latest swa[p parcel I got back. The theme was Fun In the Sun.  I am waiting on a parcel, It should arrive monday or tuesday. It has 2 themes in it.

I have also sarted a new project that I am working on. I am making a Farmer's market complete with fresh fruit and veggies, butcher shop, fresh eggs, bread, cheeses, and fresh baked goods (pies, canning goods). It is turning out to be a fun project.

Hope you stay tuned.