Saturday, 30 April 2011

Saturdaypril 30, 2011

Well today is the last day of April, and it is finally starting to warm up a little bit. I  now have two sides of the Willow sided with only the large front to do. In between I have started to work on some of the little pieces of furniture. I went back to the dollarstore and picked up another nursery set because I really liked how the toddler bed turned out. So I painted one pink and the other blue and I mod podged clipart on the ends to match the room decor. The little girls room is done in pinks with butterflies and fairies and the little boys room is all done in zoo animals. I also put together and painted the cradle for the baby, this I painted brown and I found a peter rabbit clip art picture for the foot of the cradle. I also added the handle to the doll pram, all that is left of these four pieces is to add the fabric mattresses  and bedding to them (time to dig out the sewing machine).

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

willow house outside

Today I have been working on more of the exterior trim on the willow today The window trims are done to the point of putting up the shutters, which I have yet to punch out and paint them, all 22 of them. Right now I a trying to get the trim put on over the front door. While paint was drying I found a pattern on line for a little wooden doll pram. So out of the left over wood from the dollhouse (when you do not put in stairs you have some large pieces of wood) so I cut out  the pieces and painted them a leaf green, I did change a few things on the pram, I used black coloured Fimo for the wheels, I just have to add a handle and add some fabric for the mattress.

What a cute pram, When I was a baby my mother had a pram for my sister and I and it was a green silvercross pram all the way from England. Actually I still have my English doll pram, it is a chocolate brown colour, so it is only fitting that my dolls should have a doll pram.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Big Things

Well the new house is up, and wallpapered, interior pretty much finished. The wall that has the built in bookcase/fireplace was such a pain to put in the house. It was such a snug fit it did not even need to be glued into place. So now I am onto painting and installing the windows and window casings. I did not realize how big the house really was.I am really falling in love how this house is turning out. On Saturday while I was picking up a few things at the dollarstore I found little wooden dollhouse furniture kits, the ones that  ou punch out and paint then glue them together. I found the nursery and livingroom sets. So that will be the next project after the house is complete. I really like the little nursery pieces wich include a cradle, highchair, rocking horse and a toddler bed. The livingroom set has a couch, 2 chairs, side table and a coffee table.
The large brown objects on the third floor are the two chimneys that attach onto each of the side. Inside the house there is a fireplace and they are not on the same wall, so there are two chimneys.

I hope everybody had a great Easter weekend, I can not wait until tomorrow, thekids go back to school.

Friday, 22 April 2011

Good Friday

Well today is Good Friday, I have been very busy, I have pretty much finished the interior of the mini preschool, It kind of worked out perfectly because guess what arrived yesterday. My house!!!! So on to this big project. The house i ordered was the Willow, man this house is large. So I have sanded all of the large pieces and I am waiting for them to dry. Know I have to figure out wallpaper and start printing off the sheets. The kitchen is going to have a cherry pattern wallpaper and the baby nursery is going to have peter rabbit, but that is as far as I have gotten.

Here is some pictures of the mini preschool and my new house in progress.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Monday April 18, 2011

Well it has been a crazy weekend, Friday we had my son's birthday party he turned 10. Then on saturday i spent all day at the mall for our annual Cub Car races which saw the cub pack from Bar River take home the big trophy. And then yesterday I started working on some of my minis but did not get as far as I wanted so I was able to finish them off this morning.

work I completed this morning was the 4 little dolls for the preschool. I made 2 girls and 2 boys. I think they turned out really well. I also finished off the bean bag chair and made a to shelf for the upstairs playroom. Oh and I made a partial new outfit for the one larger size doll, I was not happpy with the way the skirt she was wearing turned out so I made her a pair of tan coloured pants, she looks much better now. I also made four small cushions for the children to sit on at storytime.

 Here are the two little boy dolls
And here are the two little girl dolls.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Thursday April 14, 2011

Life has been so busy around here lately, I am a cub leader for Scouts Canada, and this time of year is so busy between spring hikes, camps and the cub car rally. Two of our boys are in the scouting movement, one in cubs, and one in beavers. As for my minis, I have been working on making mini bean bag chairs for the childcare centre. Walmart had some cute spring material that is turning out to work well for the little chairs. I ama member of an online cross stitch club that puts out daily cross stitch patterns. I came across one the other day that had toys on it, so I am making a rug for one of the floors.

Also i ordered my dollhouse kit today. It should arrive the Tuesday after Easter, unless CANPAR can get it here before Easter. I ordered the corona Willow house kit from the Little Dollhouse Company in Toronto. So that should be a fun project.

In the meantime i will keep on working on the mini childcare centre.

 the chair needs a button to make it less poofy, so the dolls legs can touch the floor.
one of the dolls enjoying her new chair.

Well I hope everybody has a great day. bye for now

Monday, 11 April 2011

mini people

Monday April 11, 2011

Well I was able to get some of the people made that I had found patterns for. I think they tuned out really cute. Now all I have to make is some smaller ones to use as children for the child care centre. Also on the weekend I was able to finish off the little mini books that I made for the childcare centre, I also installed the yellow shelves in the playroom and made a few blue round tables for the children to sit and play at. Now all I have to do is make some little stools for the tables.

Here are the latest pictures.

 My three Early Childhood Educators all ready to teach some little minds. Now all they need is some children and the rest of the school built.
I show you some close ups of the books tomorrow, not really happy with the picture.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

April 9, 2011

well the building is coming along nicely, the mainfloor has new wallpaper and tile looking flooring. the shelves are finished(but not installed yet. The brick work on the front stairs and the trim around the bottom of the building is done, and i must say it looks very sharp.

While I was surfing the net for patterns to make the dolls some new clothes, I came across lovely patterns to make dolls and their clothes out of felt. The dolls stand 6 inches tall. they are going to look so cute. And since i hav lots of felt on hand this project is deffinately going to save me some money. I resized the pattern to make smaller dolls and clothes. I will post pictures of these little cuties once completed.

 the new wallpaper, thesmaller room has bunnies on the wall and the otherside has clouds and suns with a blue sky. The floor is light blue tiles.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

April 7, 2011

Good mornning,

Well I repainted the house, it was a two tone yellow, mustard colour with blue and white trim. It is now lavender with pink and white trim, I am going to add the brick paper on the bottom which was painted silver, I painted over it with white paint. When my 9 year old came home from school yesterday he saw the house and said it looked Eastery (if that is even a word). I think it looks ready for spring.

Here is a picture.

the trim above the door frame and the flower boxes is light yellow, the hearts on the shutters are light pink.

Monday, 4 April 2011

my creations

I could not find my camera, so I had my daughter show me how to use the webcam that is built into my laptop. So here they are:

the picture of the house is in its remodel stage(gutting stage) i am turning the house into a daycare centre that I am affectionately calling SunnyVille Child Care Centre. The rooms will be as follows First Floor: Room with big window will be an office and room to put the "cubbies" to hang jackets, store back packs, etc. it will also house a desk and file cabinet and such. Room with door will be a preschool playroom, Second floor: room with green walls will be toddler play room and the pink room will be a sleep room with five small cots and a bean bag chair for the daycare staff to sit and watch over the sleeping angels.

the picture of the two yellow shelves are for toy storage in the first floor playroom, I need to make some smaller ones for the second floor playroom,

the picture of the minis are things I have made over the last few weeks. I used Fimo to make some of the toys and food. Most of the food ideas came from Cafe World on Facebook.

I love how the miniature puppet theatre turned out. I even made some puppets for it as well, two are in the picture. Also the Mr. Potatohead turned out really cute.
 here is the house in the middle of the gutting stage

some of my mini creations., sorry they are a little bit blurry, I need to find my camera.most of these will end up in my Princess Anne dollhouse, the toys will go in the child care centre. talk to you tomorrow.

Monday april 4, 2011

Before I begin building my house I am going to remodel my daughter's 4 room dollhouse. I am going to take this house and turn it into a preschool building. I am currently working towards finishing my Early Childhood Education at  a local college and one day hope to work in a daycare setting or a kindergarten class alongside the teacher. Anyway, since my daughter's house is in desparate need of some TLC I am going to make some changes to her house, since she has lost complete interest in it.

Right now I am going to work on the toy shelves for one of the playrooms, they are going to be long rectangular shelves so they can be mounted along the walls.

I have found some great cheery wallpaper for the walls, which I think the children will love. I need to find my camera so I can get some pictures on here for all to see.